Friday, May 29, 2020

How Can You Show Passion in Admissions

When one thinks of passion, one doesn’t generally think of investment bankers. But the admissions committees are looking for passion in their applicants; so how are you – a computer guy, an engineer, a biology major, or yes, an investment banker – going to craft a winning application that shows them the passion they’re looking for? â€Å"Passion† has a sexy ring to it. An emotional, visceral appeal. It evokes images of glamorous actors and actresses in hot and heavy romances. The good guy in a Frank Capra film changing history. Generals exhorting the troops before sending them into battle. Forget the steamy romances. Forget the hero delivering a stirring speech. Forget the generals addressing their troops. That’s not what we’re talking about in admissions. Redefining passion â€Å"Passion† in admissions – be it college, MBA, law school, medical school, or grad school – means dedication. It means commitment. It requires action over time. It can be very calculated and goal-oriented, and not at all glamorous. It may lead to a feverish culmination, an earth-shattering moment, and it may not. It can be any one of the following and an infinite number of other activities: Spending hours practicing the cello day-in and day-out, year after year Assuming responsibility for an annual silent auction that raises thousands of dollars for your favorite cause during the five years that you have chaired it Training and training and training so that you beat your personal best in the race of your choice Volunteering at a medical or legal clinic twice a week since your sophomore year in college What are you dedicated to? Next time you see the word â€Å"passion† in an admissions context, look between the lines. Read it as â€Å"dedication.† And those calculating, number-crunching, spreadsheet addicts among you, remember this equation: Passion = Action + Dedication. Explore our Admissions Consulting Services and work one-on-one with an expert advisor who will help you identify and then write about your passions. Get started now on creating the application that will get you ACCEPTED! hbspt.cta.load(58291, '4751002f-5aa9-40d8-bb71-6d43a4318bd2', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to top undergraduate and graduate programs. Our expert team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, PhDs, and professional writers who have advised clients to acceptance at top programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, INSEAD, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Northwestern. Want an admissions expert  to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Leadership in Admissions, a free guide †¢Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’m Smart, Really I Am!† Proving Character Traits in your Essays †¢ Writing Tip: Understanding the Fine Line Between Confidence vs Arrogance How Can You Show Passion in Admissions When one thinks of passion, one doesn’t generally think of investment bankers. But the admissions committees are looking for passion in their applicants; so how are you – a computer guy, an engineer, a biology major, or yes, an investment banker – going to craft a winning application that shows them the passion they’re looking for? â€Å"Passion† has a sexy ring to it. An emotional, visceral appeal. It evokes images of glamorous actors and actresses in hot and heavy romances. The good guy in a Frank Capra film changing history. Generals exhorting the troops before sending them into battle. Forget the steamy romances. Forget the hero delivering a stirring speech. Forget the generals addressing their troops. That’s not what we’re talking about in admissions. Redefining passion â€Å"Passion† in admissions – be it college, MBA, law school, medical school, or grad school – means dedication. It means commitment. It requires action over time. It can be very calculated and goal-oriented, and not at all glamorous. It may lead to a feverish culmination, an earth-shattering moment, and it may not. It can be any one of the following and an infinite number of other activities: Spending hours practicing the cello day-in and day-out, year after year Assuming responsibility for an annual silent auction that raises thousands of dollars for your favorite cause during the five years that you have chaired it Training and training and training so that you beat your personal best in the race of your choice Volunteering at a medical or legal clinic twice a week since your sophomore year in college What are you dedicated to? Next time you see the word â€Å"passion† in an admissions context, look between the lines. Read it as â€Å"dedication.† And those calculating, number-crunching, spreadsheet addicts among you, remember this equation: Passion = Action + Dedication. Explore our Admissions Consulting Services and work one-on-one with an expert advisor who will help you identify and then write about your passions. Get started now on creating the application that will get you ACCEPTED! hbspt.cta.load(58291, '4751002f-5aa9-40d8-bb71-6d43a4318bd2', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to top undergraduate and graduate programs. Our expert team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, PhDs, and professional writers who have advised clients to acceptance at top programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, INSEAD, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Northwestern. Want an admissions expert  to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Leadership in Admissions, a free guide †¢Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’m Smart, Really I Am!† Proving Character Traits in your Essays †¢ Writing Tip: Understanding the Fine Line Between Confidence vs Arrogance

History Doctrine and Cold War relationship - 275 Words

History (Essay Sample) Content: HistoryQuestion 1. Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one.A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States. Therefore the doctrine is a tool that aims at making a certain country to achieve some objectives regarding a foreign policy. This may include the control of arms policy, usage and restrictions on various international treaties and agreements.In February 1947, the British government which was helping the Greek government to resist Communist rebels made an announcement that it could no longer afford to keep its soldiers there. Truman thought that if they did not take any quick action at that time, then the communists could take over other countries with time.During the end of the World War II United States and Russia emerged as the two superpowers. Bothe USA and Russia had its own goals. The United States was not able to enjoy peace long after unable to establish a true settlement in Europe, America watched, as Russia appeared to strengthen its hold of the region.During his speech to a joint session of Congress, President Harry S. Truman asked for U.S. assistance for Greece and Turkey to resist communist domination of the two nations. This speech and request came to be known as the Truman Doctrine, and it earmarked the official declaration and the start of the Cold War.The British government informed the United States that it could no longer furnish the economic and military assistance it had been providing to Greece and Turkey since the end of the Second World War. The Truman administration believed in itself that both Greece and Turkey were threatened by communism and it jumped at the chance to take a tough stance against the Soviet Union. In Greece, leftist forces had been battling the Greek royal government since the end of World War II. In Turkey, the Soviets were demanding cont rol over the Dardanelles, territory from which Turkey was able to dominate the strategic waterway from the Black Sea.The Truman Doctrine was a declaration of the Cold War. His address outlined the broad parameters of U.S. Cold War foreign policy: the Soviet Union was the center of all communist activity and movements throughout the world; communism could attack through outside invasion or internal subversion; and it was required that the United States had to provide both military and economic aid to protect countries from communist domination and aggression.Some people differed with Truman's logic. Some realized that the insurgency in Greece was supported not by the Soviet Union, but by Yugoslavia's Tito. He had broken with the Soviet communists within a year. The Soviets were not even demanding control of the Dardanelles, but only assurances that this strategic waterway would not be used by her enemies had used it during World War II. It was also unclear if U.S. assistance would br ing democracy in Greece or Turkey. Indeed, both nations established repressive right-wing regimes in the years following the Truman Doctrine. Yet, the Truman Doctrine successfully convinced many that the United States was locked in a life-or-death struggle with the Soviet Union, and it set the guidelines for over 40 years of U.S.-Soviet relations.2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S.Before the presidential doctrine was announced, in the case of Truman, I choose to pick the Soviet Union. US and Soviet relations were not synonymous with the Cold WarThe cold war came after the year 1945. The crises of the 1950s over Korea and Taiwan, and the Vietnam War of the 1960s, were all, it is true, and issues in the conflict between Washington and Moscow, but in guessing the superpower relationship as key to these crises would be to perpetuate an illusion from which at times both governments suffered.The leaders in America treated the communism of the world as one way and even drew distinctions between the communist countries.Tito's departure from the Soviet bloc in 1948 showed the huge potential for further divisions in the communist world and also encouraged such distinctions. During late 1950s Washington assumed that China was even more fanatical and dangerous than Russia. By then the latter was seen as a relatively respectable communist power. During this time the two superpowers had some common interest in avoiding nuclear war and in restraining their allies, especially over the question of nuclear proliferation. There was even a proposal by Kennedy's administration to have a joint and combined efforts with USA to quell China's nuclear tests and operations, although they are still unclear.Step 3:Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Western Europe after the Truman Doctrine was announced? What happened in the Middle East after the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced? What happened with Cuba or Vietnam after Kennedy offered up his doctrine of flexible response? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect? What happened in the Middle East after the Carter Doctrine was announced? What happened in Central America or Africa or the Middle East after Reagan announced his doctrine?In the period after World War II in 1945, up until the year 1990, when The Cold War ended, we were drawn into two wars of containment and into world affairs. The Truman Doctrine In February 1947, the British government announced that it would withdraw its forces from Greece and Turkey since it could no longer sustain them.The effects of Truman doctrine are as described below.They decided to interfere in the "Iron Curta in" of communism that had settled over Eastern Europe after World War II. For once, USA was the world power because other powers had been weakened during World War II and they wanted to establish more control. They issued the Truman doctrine to interfere in any country in which human rights were being violated. This is when the US started to become active in world affairs and it replaced The Great Britain, France, and the other European world powers that had been strong.During his reign, Truman's quickness in learning about foreign affairs, he made errors in foreign policy in his first year of the presidency. Some of the errors may have been attributable to his knowledge of domestic politics. Truman in retirement thought about the qualities that needed upon entering the presidency after he had no preparation by the secretive Roosevelt. The first issue of foreign policy that Truman confronted was the decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan. It is this time that he decided to dr op atomic bombs on Hiroshima...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Humoral Theory Of William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet

The humoral theory is one of the oldest theories of Medicine that proposed that our bodies are made up of four different humours: black bile, blood, phlegm, and yellow bile. It was believed that while in good health the humours were in a harmonious balance throughout the body but illness is said to have disrupted that balance causing one or more humour to become disordered. It is also said that the mind is effected by the equilibrium of the four temperaments known as melancholic, sanguine, choleric, and phlegmatic and that they dispersed to make up certain characteristics or personality traits. Critics have long described Shakespeare as using these humours and temperaments as a way for the audience to understand the character, plot and other aspects of his plays. In such plays as Romeo and Juliet where critics have described Romeo as being a melancholy figure it is exceptionally brought about by using the four humours involved in the humoral theory that is said to have first originat ed by Hippocrates and later elaborated on by Galen. The four humours include Black Bile which is related to the melancholic temperament and said to be associated with the element earth, the season of winter, the planet Saturn, the spleen, and cold and dry qualities. The humour Blood is related to the sanguine temperament and associated with the element air, the season spring, the planet Jupiter, the heart, and hot and moist qualities. While Phlegm is associated with the temperament phlegmaticShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1998 Words   |  8 PagesIn the plays, Romeo and Juliet and 1 Henry VI, by William Shakespeare, the concept of humoral theory helps to explain many of the behaviors the characters display in the plays. Humoral theory works to explain workings within the human body. According to the Welcome Library of London, â€Å"Humors existed as liquids within the body and were identified as blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. These were in turn associated with the fundamental elements of air, water, earth and fire.† The elements are

Pablo Picasso - Biography and Artwork -

Pablo Picasso, also known as Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, was singular in the art world. Not only did he manage to become universally famous in his own lifetime, he was the first artist to successfully use mass media to further his name (and business empire). He also inspired or, in the notable case of Cubism, invented, nearly every art movement in the twentieth century. Movement, Style, School or Period: Several, but best known for (co-)inventing Cubism Date and Place of Birth October 25, 1881, Mà ¡laga, Spain Early Life Picassos father, fortuitously, was an art teacher who quickly realized he had a boy genius on his hands and (almost as quickly) taught his son everything he knew. At the tender age of 14, Picasso passed the entrance exam to the Barcelona School of Fine Arts - in just one day. By the early 1900s, Picasso had moved to Paris, the capital of the arts. There he found friends in Henri Matisse, Joan Mirà ³ and George Braque, and a burgeoning reputation as a painter of note. Body of Work Before, and shortly after, moving to Paris, Picassos painting was in its Blue Period (1900-1904), which eventually gave way to his Rose Period (1905-1906). It wasnt until 1907, though, that Picasso really raised a commotion in the art world. His painting Les Demoiselles dAvignon marked the beginning of Cubism. Having caused such a stir, Picasso spent the next 15 years seeing what, exactly, could be done with Cubism (such as putting paper and bits of string in a painting, thus inventing the collage). The Three Musicians (1921), pretty much summed up Cubism for Picasso. For the rest of his days, no one style could maintain a hold on Picasso. In fact, he was known to use two or more different styles, side by side, within a single painting. One notable exception is his surrealistic painting Guernica (1937), arguably one of the greatest pieces of social protest ever created. Picasso lived long and, indeed, prospered. He grew fabulously wealthy from his phenomenal output (including erotically themed ceramics), took up with younger and younger women, entertained the world with his outspoken remarks, and painted almost right up until he died at the age of 91. Date and Place of Death April 8, 1973, Mougins, France Quote Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

OMAM Loneliness and Companionship - 829 Words

OMAM Loneliness and Companionship Of Mice and Men is a skillful novel, that portrays the idea of loneliness throughout the novel. Two men, George and Lennie are there for each other through everything. They also have their tiffs just like any other friends. There are several clearly stated themes running through the novel. But, the two themes that interact with each other are loneliness and companionship. Many of the characters do suffer from loneliness in the novel Of Mice and Men. George lets everybody know early on in the novel that he is lonely. When George reminds Lennie that Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world† (Steinbeck Section 1). Men like George who travel from farm to farm usually never have anyone to look to for companionship and protection. As the story goes on, Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife all state their deep loneliness. Crooks says, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick (80). In a world with no friends to confide in, random people will have to do. Each of the characters search for a friend, someone to confide in and be able to talk to on an everyday basis, as Crooks says. In the end, however, companionship of Curley’s kind seems impossible to find. For George, when Lennie dies, Georg e’s dreams and hopes of finding a companion disappears. In Of Mice and Men, several relationships appearShow MoreRelatedOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck2184 Words   |  9 Pagesthe 1930’s and he used the line from an 18th Century poem by Robert Burns as the title of the story. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† (â€Å"OMaM†) as a title foreshadows the idea portrayed by Burns in his poem â€Å"To a mouse† because in this poem the mouse’s house was destroyed in an accidental mistake which implies dreams being shattered and depression along with death following as a result. Loneliness is a key theme in this book which outlines the harsh life faced by the ranch workers and the setting that they lived inRead MoreOf Mice and Men and Macbeth Conflict1902 Words   |  8 Pagesare indeed affiliated. OMAM tells the story of a sharp witted man and his simple friend who find work in California’s Salinas Valley. They are driven by a shared dream, that one day they will own their own property and â€Å"live off the fatta the lan†. George serves as Lennie’s protector, as Lennie is mentally retarded. â€Å"He’s awright, just aint bright† Lennie’s fetish for soft things and his ignorant behaviour, often lands them both in trouble. Many of the characters in OMAM admit to suffering fromRead MoreOf Mice And Men And Macbeth Conflict Essay1899 Words   |  8 Pagesare indeed affiliated. OMAM tells the story of a sharp witted man and his simple friend who find work in California’s Salinas Valley. They are driven by a shared dream, that one day they will own their own property and live off the fatta the lan. George serves as Lennie’s protector, as Lennie is mentally retarded. He’s awright, just aint bright Lennie’s fetish for soft things and his ignorant behaviour, often lands them both in trouble. Many of the characters in OMAM admit to suffering fromRead MoreAnalysis Of Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men 1971 Words   |  8 Pages Loneliness Taking its Toll â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long s he’s with ya†¦ a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick† (Steinbeck 72-73). During the Great Depression, it wasn’t uncommon to endure this type of loneliness. Candy, one of Steinbeck s characters, is a migrant worker who was badly injured on a ranch and has been there ever since. Another character from Steinbeck’s novella is Lennie, Lennie is mentally slow and as a migrant worker

Global Warming and Climate Change Essay - 2336 Words

Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural process that keeps earths temperature at a livable rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren’t any greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the earth. Global warming can and†¦show more content†¦Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled since the Industrial Revolution and has â€Å"contributed 20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide†. (Methane) A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the water cycle works. Places on the earth will receive more rain than others. There will be a great amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other people who get to much rain. While the temperature is on the rise there will be greater amount of rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing season for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could also hurt the farmers. There are some crops that out there that will die with to much rain. ThereShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words   |  4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in temperature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words   |  4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words   |  6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words   |  5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change† or â€Å"greenhouse effect† have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words   |  5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words   |  5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words   |  5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words   |  6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog† became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words   |  7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tang Dynasty free essay sample

The Tang dynasty is one of China’s most remarkable and glistening historic periods known today. The Tang dynasty established a strong centralized state system, starting in 618 after the fall of the Sui dynasty in the early seventeenth century. Although the early Tang monarchs were good rulers over all, one emperor in particular parts from the group. â€Å"Li Shih-min† who would assume the title of T’ai-tsung. T’ai-tsung was the son of the first emperor in the Tang dynasty Gaozu. He was a bold, energetic, and powerful emperor that was determined to solve the international problems that had destroyed past weaker dynasties. T’ai-tsung was responsible for the recreation of Chinese government. (â€Å"quote source†) According to â€Å"source 1† at the top of the hierarchy was the emperor; below him were three administrations; council of the state, military affairs, and the censorate. The most important out of the three was the council of the state, which drafted policy, reviewed policy, and implemented policy. The military affairs directed the military under the control of the emperor. The censorate watched over the government and the government officials to prevent misgoverning and corruption. The new government policies set into place that T’ai-tsung had ingeniously derived led to the central state system working. The geographical area of the Tang Empire stretched across a vast part of China. Chang’an was the western capitol of the Tang dynasty, and became a centralized meeting place for traders, merchants, artist, and religious leaders. Chang’an became one of the richest and most powerful cities in the world at that time. The Tang dynasty flourished in part due to the new economic and trading ties with different regions. Trade was possible because the government maintained good foreign trade relation. The Tang Empire traded with India, Middle East, and Central Asia. Silk road connected Chang’an to Greece, Rome, and parts of Europe. This highway brought new products of trade to the countries which included silk, tea, herbs, spices and hand crafted items. The Tang dynasty is responsible for many great things, the dynasty had several world changing inventions, famous literature, and changing religious movements that would spark a revolution that would forever change the way Chinese people interacted and lived within society. One reason that the Tang Dynasty is known for being one of the best empires in Chinese history is because of the brilliant and world changing inventions that some of the greater minds in that era created, forever changing the way people lived. Inventions are essential for ever changing technologic advances towards a greater way of life and the Chinese understood this concept with the invention of making paper, gunpowder, printing technique and compass. All of which were not completely new concepts but the Tang Dynasty found ways to improve some of the already thought of inventions. The invention of paper making greatly contributed to the spread and development of civilization. Prior to the invention of paper making; bones, tortoise shells, and bamboo slips were all used as writing surfaces. As Chinese civilization developed the usage of their materials proved to be unsuitable, because they were extremely too heavy and took up a lot of space. The next material used in trying to make paper was the combination of hemp fiber and silk, but the quality of the material was found to be unsatisfactory. The use of that material also had far better uses . According to (â€Å"quote† ) Xue fu wu che which is a Chinese idiom describing a learned man. The story behind paper making is that a scholar by the name of Hui Shi who lived during the Tang dynasty. He needed five charts to carry around his books while teaching. At the time books were made of wood and bamboo slips, so one could imagine how heavy and inconvenient they would be to carry from place to place. Not to mention how much space the books would take up. If a person had ten or more books that person might need a cart with wheels just to carry them around. Reading books at the time, a person would not only need to have brain power, but would also have to be in good physical condition. According to Chinese history experts â€Å"In 105 A. D. Cai Lun, a eunuch during the Tang dynasty, invented paper from worn fishnet, bark, and cloth. † The fact that these raw materials were available at such a low cost and easily able to obtain the process of making paper in large quantities just made sense! The technique of paper making was eventually exported to Korea in 384 A. D. Japan acquired the skill of making paper when a Korean monk traveled there taking the information and process with him. Paper making traveled to the Arab empire during a war between the Arabs and the Tang dynasty, when some of the soldiers of the Tang army, and paper making workers were captured during the war. Soon after, a paper factory was established in the Arab nation. In the eleventh century the skill of making paper was carried to India when Chinese monks traveled there in search for spiritual enlightenment. The skill then traveled the world from one continent to the next, eventually the skill was brought to America. The invention of paper is accredited to one of the greatest dynasties know in Chinese history, the Tang Dynasty. The Tang dynasty was also responsible for the invention of gunpowder. In Chinese, the word gunpowder is called, huo yao, which means flaming medicine. Unlike so many of the other Chinese inventions the making of gunpowder was pure accidental. Gunpowder is an invention that has had a profound effect on human society. Gunpowder was first discovered when alchemist was trying to make an elixir of immortality. According to legend â€Å"During the Tang dynasty, around 850 A. D. , an enterprising alchemist (whose name has been lost to history) mixed 75 parts saltpeter with fifteen parts charcoal and ten parts sulfur. This mixture had no discernable life-lengthening properties, but it did explode to an open flame. According to a text from the era, â€Å"smoke and flames result, so that (the alchemist) hands and faces have been burnt, and even the whole house where they were working burned down. † After the discovery of gunpowder the Chinese people found many useful purposes for this new and amazing invention. It is thought that the only use for gunpowder was for making fireworks, used by the Chinese during celebrations, such as, parades and ceremonial events for the emperor; but gunpowder was destined for greater usages. One usage of gunpowder was in weapons.

Influence of Nature and Nurture Developmental Research free essay sample

How many bald, six-foot-six, 250-pound volunteer firefighters in New Jersey wear droopy mustaches, aviator-style eyeglasses, and a the influence of nature versus key ring on the right side of the belt? nurture. The answer is two: Gerald Levey and Mark Newman. They are twins who were separated at birth. Each twin did not even know 25. 2 Describe developmental the other existed until they were reunited—in a fire station—by a research techniques. fellow firefighter. . . The lives of the twins, although separate, took remarkably similar 25. Discuss prenatal paths. Levey went to college, studying forestry; Newman planned to development. study forestry in college but instead took a job trimming trees. . . . Both men are unmarried and find the same kind of woman attractive: â€Å"tall, slender, long hair. † They share similar hobbies, enjoying hunting, fishing, going to the beach, and watching old John Wayne movies and professional wrestling. Both like Chinese food and drink the same brand of beer. We will write a custom essay sample on Influence of Nature and Nurture Developmental Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page learning outcomes 25. 1 Compare and contrastThe remarkable range of similarities we see in many pairs of identical twins raises one of the fundamental questions posed by developmental psychology, the study of the patterns of growth and change that occur throughout life. The question is this: How can we distinguish between the environmental causes of behavior (the influence of parents, siblings, family, friends, schooling, nutrition, and all the other experiences to which a child is exposed) and hereditary causes (those based on the genetic makeup of an individual that influence growth and development throughout life)?This question embodies the nature–nurture issue. In this context, nature refers to hereditary factors, and nurture to environmental influences. Although the question was first posed as a nature-versus-nurture issue, developmental psychologists today agree that both nature Gerald Levey and Mark Newman 282 Chapter 8 development and nurture interact to produce specific developmental patterns and outDevelopmental psychology The comes. Consequently, the question has evolved into How and to what degree branch of psychology that studies the do environment and heredity both produce their effects?No one grows up patterns of growth and change that free of environmental influences, nor does anyone develop without being occur throughout life. affected by his or her inherited genetic makeup. However, the debate over Nature–nurture issue The issue of the comparative influence of the two factors remains active, with different the degree to which environment and approaches and different theories of development emphasizing the environ- heredity influence behavior. ment or heredity to a greater or lesser degree (Pinker, 2002; Gottesma n Hanson, 2005; Rutter, 2006).For example, some developmental theories rely on basic psychological principles of learning and stress the role learning plays in producing changes in The nature–nurture issue behavior in a developing child. Such theories emphasize the role of the enviis a key question that is ronment in development. In contrast, other developmental theories emphasize pervasive throughout the the influence of one’s physiological makeup and functioning on development. field of psychology, asking Such theories stress the role of heredity and aturation—the unfolding of biohow and to what degree logically predetermined patterns of behavior—in producing developmental environment and heredity change. Maturation can be seen, for instance, in the development of sex characproduce their joint effects. teristics (such as breasts and body hair) that occurs at the start of adolescence. Despite their differences over theory, developmental psychologists concur on some points. They agree that genetic factors not only provide the potential for specific behaviors or traits to emerge, but also place limitations on the emergence of such behavior or traits.For instance, heredity defines people’s general level of intelligence, setting an upper limit that—regardless of the quality of the environment—people cannot exceed. Heredity also places limits on physical abilities; humans simply cannot run at a speed of 60 miles an hour, nor will they grow as tall as 10 feet, no matter what the quality of their environment (Dodge, 2004; Pinker, 2004). Figure 1 lists some of the characteristics most affected by heredity. As you consider these items, it is important to keep in mind that these characteristics are not entirely determined by heredity, for environmental factors also play a role.Developmental psychologists also agree that in most instances environmental factors play a critical role in enabling people to reach the potential capabilities that their genetic background makes possible. If Albert Einstein had received no intellectual stimulation as a child and had not been sent to s tudy aler t Height Weight Obesity Tone of voice Physical Characteristics Blood pressure Tooth decay Athletic ability Firmness of handshake Age of death Activity level Intellectual Characteristics